Event: B&R Puzzle, March 11 - 15, 2024

Welcome to our B&R Puzzle!


Four new B&R machines are currently underway. Can you match each machine with its B&R technology, drive system, and planned commissioning date? Note that each selection can only be used once!

You can use the attached Excel sheet to work through your solution:
BnRCommunityPuzzle_March2024.xlsx (13.2 KB)

Then input your solution via the multiple-choice questions at the end of this post.


  1. The four B&R machines are: the one with the ACOPOS P3s, the one with Integrated Safety, the printing machine, and the one commissioning in December of 2025.
  2. Neither the ACOPOSmicro nor reACTION technology are used in the plastics machine.
  3. The packaging machine is commissioning after the printing machine, but before the food & beverage machine.
  4. The food & beverage machine is commissioning in June.
  5. Secure Remote Maintenance was either used on the machine with the ACOPOSinverter or the ACOPOSmicro.
  6. Of the food & beverage machine and the one with the ACOPOSmulti, one used Integrated Safety and the other is commissioning in December.
  7. The packaging machine uses the ACOPOS P3.
  8. The machine with Integrated Safety did NOT use the ACOPOSmicro.

Feeling stuck? Click below to reveal another clue:

The plastics machine uses Machine Vision.

Need one last hint? Here you go!

The machine with the ACOPOSinverter ships in 2025.


Additional Details

  • Please do not post / share your answers while the puzzle is active, or create a post asking for the answers :wink:
  • The answers will be posted after the puzzle closes on Friday (March 15)
  • Points for correct answers and badges for participation will be posted to your account by end of day Monday (March 18)
    • Each correct answer earns you 5 points, and there are 12 questions total (60 points potential!)
    • There is no penalty for an incorrect answer or for skipping a question

Good luck!

Drive Systems

What drive system is used for the packaging machine?
  • ACOPOSmulti
  • ACOPOSinverter
  • ACOPOSmicro
0 voters
What drive system is used for the plastics machine?
  • ACOPOSmulti
  • ACOPOSinverter
  • ACOPOSmicro
0 voters
What drive system is used for the printing machine?
  • ACOPOSmulti
  • ACOPOSinverter
  • ACOPOSmicro
0 voters
What drive system is used for the food & beverage machine?
  • ACOPOSmulti
  • ACOPOSinverter
  • ACOPOSmicro
0 voters

Commissioning Dates

What is the commissioning date for the packaging machine?
  • June 2024
  • December 2024
  • June 2025
  • December 2025
0 voters
What is the commissioning date for the plastics machine?
  • June 2024
  • December 2024
  • June 2025
  • December 2025
0 voters
What is the commissioning date for the printing machine?
  • June 2024
  • December 2024
  • June 2025
  • December 2025
0 voters
What is the commissioning date for the food & beverage machine?
  • June 2024
  • December 2024
  • June 2025
  • December 2025
0 voters


What technology is used in the packaging machine?
  • Integrated Safety
  • Machine Vision
  • Secure Remote Maintenance
  • reACTION Technology
0 voters
What technology is used in the plastics machine?
  • Integrated Safety
  • Machine Vision
  • Secure Remote Maintenance
  • reACTION Technology
0 voters
What technology is used in the printing machine?
  • Integrated Safety
  • Machine Vision
  • Secure Remote Maintenance
  • reACTION Technology
0 voters
What technology is used in the food & beverage machine?
  • Integrated Safety
  • Machine Vision
  • Secure Remote Maintenance
  • reACTION Technology
0 voters