Happy 1st Anniversary to the B&R Community! Triple points event is coming

Happy Anniversary, B&R Community!! :birthday:

Time flies like crazy. On November 8th last year, we officially launched our B&R Community, so today, November 8th, 2024, marks our first anniversary. As the Community Manager, but more importantly as a community user and a big fan of our community, this fills me with great joy and emotion. :clap: :raised_hands: :clap:

Did you know that in just over a year:

  • 2100+ users have registered :student:
  • 1300+ topics have been created :books:
  • Those have generated over 6500 responses/ideas/solutions :bulb:
  • On average, 7000+ pages are viewed here every workday :mag:
  • and so on.

I think those are impressive numbers, don’t you?

But in the end, these numbers aren’t what matters most. What truly matters is YOU, all the users of the B&R Community, because it is your active engagement that makes our community vibrant and unique. :vibration_mode:

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate and thank all of you, because today we are all celebrating. And I wish us all continued success and many meaningful discussions and interactions.

And don’t forget to tell your colleagues, neighbors, and lovers that they can join too :sunglasses:


PS: A new event is coming! As a gift for all of you, on Monday, 18.11., after SPS2024, we will run triple points for two weeks. This gives you a chance to climb up the leaderboard in our community!


Congratulations. The community has developed wonderfully. I find the diversity of contributions and the speed with which people are trying to find a solution together particularly fascinating.

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