B&R Community Guidelines

Hello and welcome to our B&R Community! This is a collaborative space that connects all B&R users to ask and answer questions, share ideas, and discuss all things related to B&R. The following guidelines are in place to help keep our community safe and productive.

By participating in the B&R Community, you confirm that you are 18 years old or older.

:bulb: Respect Intellectual Property

Only post content that you have personally created or have permission to use. If you are not the creator, be sure to attribute credit accordingly. Do not post anyone else’s intellectual property or anything that would violate any contractual agreement (NDA, copyright, trademark, etc).

:checkered_flag: Be aware of your rights

By posting information on the B&R Community, you grant B&R and B&R Community users a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, adapt and publish the information for the purpose of display and distribution. Unless otherwise stated, software samples posted in the B&R Community are covered by the MIT license.

:woman_judge: Obey all laws

Do not post or comment anything that violates any law (e.g., antitrust, data privacy, data protection, IP, libel, slander…) or breaks any agreement.

:male_detective: No Anonymous participation

We do not permit anonymous posting in our forum, meaning we do require that you populate your first and last name in your user account. You can select a pseudonym for your username, but please correctly identify your first and last name.

:old_key: Do not share personal data

The B&R Community is publicly visible to all. Therefore, do not post any information (personal or professional) about yourself or anyone else that you would not want to be readily available on the internet. Do not post any information from or about anyone else without their consent.

:moneybag: Do not share commercially sensitive data

Do not discuss prices, delivery times, contractual agreements, business strategies, customers and suppliers, etc. If you have questions about an open order or an expected delivery, please contact your local B&R sales representative.

:dizzy: Keep the community a safe space

Please be kind and respectful on the forum. Do not be malicious in any way. Our community is a safe space for all B&R users to ask questions and share opinions. For a more detailed (but not exhaustive) list of the behaviors we enforce, expand the list below:

General Behavior
  • Be civil. Do not post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hateful.
  • Be respectful of others and provide constructive comments / feedback in a positive tone
  • Discuss new questions in a new thread (do not derail an ongoing conversation)
  • No solicitation
  • No spam
  • No self-promotion
  • No advertisements for non-B&R products or services
  • No rants, extended complaints, or threats against B&R or any other company or any person
  • No abusive language, threatening language, harassment, or similar
  • No political religious commentary
  • No obscene content or profanity
  • No sexually explicit content
  • No duplicate posts
  • No reposts
  • No hyperlinks that lead to sites that violate any of our community guidelines
  • No deliberate attempts to overload the system
  • Do not create duplicate accounts, create fake accounts, pretend to be someone else, or represent any entity besides yourself as an individual
  • Do not give away your password to anyone else and do not allow someone you don’t know to remotely take control of your computer within the community
  • Do not promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities
  • Do not promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual
  • Do not transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, or any items of a destructive nature
  • You are responsible for your own conduct and communications and for any consequences thereof. You agree to use the site only to send and receive messages and material that are legal, proper, and related to the context

:orange_heart: Keep the conversations related to B&R

All forum topics and replies should relate to B&R in some way. This means either B&R technologies/products directly, or technology that B&R products utilize (e.g., OPC UA).

:beetle: Do not report product bugs via the forum

If you found a bug in an official B&R software, please report this directly to your local B&R Support team. The B&R Community is not the official channel for bug reporting. The exception is for bugs related open-source developments within the community itself. The same restriction applies for quality topics.

:1234: Do not artificially inflate forum statistics

Put simply, don’t cheat the system. Do not perform any unethical behavior (either manually or via a bot) to give likes, achieve badges, or any other such activity within the B&R Community which would cheat the gamification. Similarly, do not perform any activity which would artificially inflate the community usage metrics.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Flag inappropriate behavior

If you notice any topic or reply that violates these community guidelines, please flag it! This will trigger the moderators to review the post more quickly.

:earth_americas: Fully public

The B&R Community is fully public worldwide. Therefore, take care not to share information that you don’t want to be publicly accessible.

:man_technologist: Relation to B&R Support / Academy / Applications engineering / Sales

The B&R Community does not replace the services provided by the B&R Support teams, Academy teams, Automation engineering, or sales. The community offers an opportunity for peer-to-peer assistance, but an accurate and/or quick solution from the community is not guaranteed. Therefore:

  • If you require urgent assistance or need to report a bug, please contact B&R Support.
  • If you are looking to build up your core competency in B&R, please contact B&R Academy.
  • If you are looking for holistic application support, please contact B&R Applications.
  • If you are looking to for official sizing guidance or to submit a product request, please contact your local B&R sales representative.

:thinking: Accuracy of information provided

You will find lots of good information here, but note there is no guarantee of accuracy or quality for things posted in the B&R Community or information coming from the Conversational Help (AI chatbot). B&R does not screen the posted information for accuracy or quality. It is up to you to identify if the information is helpful and valid for your situation. Apply the same good judgement in our community that you use to assess information that you find anywhere online.

Please consider that Conversational Help answers are AI generated and may contain errors, inconsistencies or outdated information. It is provided as-is without any warranties or guarantees of accuracy. Please see it as a starting point for your investigation and use additional sources to verify the answers.

:no_entry_sign: B&R’s responsibility for user-submitted information

The B&R Community site acts as a passive channel for online distribution of user-submitted information. B&R will not screen information in advance and is not responsible for screening or monitoring posted material. The user-submitted information does not reflect B&R views and B&R does not have any obligation to monitor, edit, or review any user-submitted information. B&R assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the user-submitted information.

We may store and process information submitted by users on our site in any country in which B&R or our hosting providers maintain facilities. By using our services, you consent to the transfer of information you submit among these facilities, including those located outside your country.

:no_entry_sign: B&R’s responsibility for Conversational Help responses

B&R assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the generated information from the Conversational Help (AI chatbot).

:office_worker: No long-term obligation

You are not obligated to maintain or answer questions indefinitely for any resources that you share on the B&R Community.

:mega: English is the primary language

English is the primary language in our community. Nonetheless, you can post in whatever language you prefer! To quickly translate a post or reply into your preferred language, click on the globe icon (see below). Note that English may not be the first language for all participants.

:technologist: Moderation

The B&R Community is actively moderated. Moderators can at any time hide or delete a post that violates these community guidelines. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned from the community.

:warning: Reporting forum malfunctions

If you run into any functional problems with the forum (e.g., you are unable to reply to a topic or click a button) then please send a direct message to the “moderators” group. If the malfunction prevents you from being able to send a DM (e.g., you are unable to login), then please send an email to: it.servicedesk@br-automation.com

:spiral_notepad: Policies

By participating in the B&R Community, you agree to adhere to the B&R Privacy Notices, the ABB Code of Conduct, and where applicable the B&R General Terms & Conditions. B&R employees must also comply with the Social Media Behavior Policy.

A member of the ABB Group

B&R Industrial Automation GmbH
B&R StraĂźe 1
5142 Eggelsberg

These guidelines were last updated February 29, 2024 and can change at any time without notice.