Greetings from Heilbronn, Germany

Hi all,

after already being active here and there, I think it’s now the time to introduce myself to the Community :wink:

I’m Alex, the Application Manager of the B&R office in Heilbronn, Germany.
Since 1997, I’m with B&R:
first as student, later as application engineer, support engineer, and now since more then 13 years as the Application Manager of our great(!!) local team.

In my opinion, in order to be successful and satisfied in everyday business, it is most important to have a team that you can trust and rely on! And that’s exactly why I think this Community is also a great idea, and I will do my best to support it.

Looking forward to a exiting journey with the Community! :clap:


Hello Alexander.
Thanks for your personal introduction. :slightly_smiling_face:
And exciting to have you as a part of our Community.

I have seen that your are already very actively using the Community and contibuting to the posts so it will be exactly the great place we envision for everybody. :+1:

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Guten Morgen Alex,

schöne Grüße aus Mittelfranken.
Ist eine sehr schöne Sache mit der Community.
Schön wieder einmal von Dir zu hören. :wink:

Viele Grüße
Jochen Hufnagel

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