Help with CANopen Communication using X20IF1041-1

My approach would be to use a standard CAN interface and implement a rudimentary CANopen master with it or use a ready-made CANopen master and then write the EDS yourself. Ultimately, this is just a normal text file.

I had actually tried creating an EDS file for the slave. It was of no use. Only 1 PDO was able to be read. and moreover the manufacturer does not provide much details of the device. I have only a “dbc” and “dbf” file and i was not able to make an EDS file from these.
You mentioned " use a standard CAN interface and implement a rudimentary CANopen master with it" . I tried this way with CS2770 CAN interface and X20IF1041 Master. But it didnt work. Seems that the CS2770 is not compatible with X20IF1041.

So like @marcusbnr mentioned in one of his posts (How to read CANOpen , i might need new HWs * X20IF1072 & * X20CS1070 to communicate with my SlaveX which has CANOpen on it. X20IF1041/1043 and CS2770 wont work. Is that correct `?