HMI clock : switch 24h / 12h

Hi everyone,

On my HMI, I managed 2 languages (French and English) and when we choose the English, the clock format is automatically 12h (24h format in French) but my English customer would like a 24h format.

I didn’t found where to configure or change this 12h to 24h when we choose the English language.

Thank you



Are you using MappView? In this case it is quite easy to switch between various date and time formats using the “format” property of the DateTimeInput/DateTimeOutput widget:

For the VC4 you can use a textgroup to switch between the formats:

Best regards

Hi Manfred,

I’m using Mapp View.

I just saw that on the format there was the 24H and 12h possibilities, Im issed that on my previous searches…

Thank you !