MappView Messaging system - Popups and flyout panels

Hello fellow developers!

We have developed an open source library and solution for prompting user before certain actions in MappView. The library offers a neat easy to use solution of informing user about events, confirming actions and reading user input without having the need of creating multiple dialog contents for the MappView visualization project.

Main features

  • Popup messages (info, warning, error)
  • Popup input dialogs (int, real, string)
  • Minimizing popups to not interfere with machine operations
  • Flyout messages to display immediate result of user action

Popup Dialogs

System is based on dialog queue that is managed by the library. Dialogs are created fully from program code and no MappView work is required after initial setup. Dialogs are entered to a FIFO queue from where they are displayed in HMI in order of arrival.

Flyout messages

Library also implements a flyout message system intended to be used to inform users of immediate results of their actions. Messages are shown for a few seconds and then automatically removed from view.

Flyout message system is also based on queue principle where one message is displayed at once. Instead of strict FIFO-queue the flyout messages have a priority setting that moves higher priority messages to the front of the queue.

The library is distributed as part of this sample/development project that can be used to evaluate and test the operation of the library as well as to develop this further or add extra functionality.

Library comes with “How To Use” document, which should serve as a getting started tutorial for the library. (1.6 MB)


Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

This is cool, I was just thinking about how to implement something like this for a project!

BlockquoteThanks for sharing :slight_smile:

No problem! I am just glad if someone else gets some use out of this one as well. We liked it in the first project we used it. This most likely needs some improvements and refinement in the long run.

If people here are interested in developing this further as community project I could create a public GIT repository where we can handle version control and accept pull requests. This would benefit us too if bugs get caught up and improvements are made by others as well.


Nice to hear! Let me know if you run into any trouble or need some guidance. Documentation is not at B&R official library level. :wink:

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:fire: You can also use this script to make dynamic texts in popup. :fire:


wow that’s great,love it!