mappView UI template - AGD Lab solution for B&R users

The B&R community was created to connect B&R users, not only for problem-solving and discussing potential solutions but also for collaboration.

In the past, there was a question about whether anyone knew about the mappView UI Template from AGD Lab. mappView is a B&R product for visualization, but the UI template was created by B&R users from AGD Lab for B&R users.

I reached out to Adriana and asked for a brief introduction to this product. Perhaps some of you will find it interesting and use this solution for your new project to simplify the creation of new visualizations.

Link to UI template introduction :arrow_left:

You can also ask additional questions here at community about this product.

Wish you all a nice start to the new week.

Jaroslav :slight_smile:


I’m curious to know if the news I provide is interesting to you. (And I’d like to try creating a poll here in the community - HA HA :)) The poll is anonymous, so could you help me by giving a little feedback? It’s only for us, here internally and you will see results immeditally :slight_smile:

How interesting do you find this product?

  • Very interesting :+1:
  • Somewhat interesting :thinking:
  • Not interesting :-1:
0 voters

Would you consider using this product?

  • Yes :+1:
  • Maybe :thinking:
  • No :-1:
0 voters

Would you recommend this product to others?

  • Yes, definitely :+1:
  • Maybe :thinking:
  • No :-1:
0 voters

Are you open to help me improve content of community using polls?

  • Yes :+1:
  • Maybe :thinking:
  • No, I hate polls :-1:
0 voters
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