Smart Camera Image in VC4


I am trying to get a live display of the image from a camera in VC4, but am struggling to get this working.
I have tried using the FB httpService as described in AS Help: 56d1512c-8c2b-4848-9bf4-c79046e6761f
I am not familiar with http however and must be missing something as I cannot get this to display.

I have also tried using the HTMLview datapoint: HTMLStream.
With this I can see the image on my created web directory when using the browser on my laptop, but cannot see it in VC4.

If anyone has an example they would be willing to share where they have managed to get the camera image displayed in VC4, that would be much appreciated.


Hello Alessandro,

sorry VC4 is not recommended and is not supported for displaying machine vision images due to its limited capabilities - please use mappView if possible.

An untested option would be to save the image on the PLC with the GetImage FUB and display it in VC4 with VISAPI.
The necessary FUBs are VA_LoadBitmap, VA_BlitBitmap and VA_FreeBitmap, if this doesn’t work there is unfortunately no other possible option.

BR Sebastian

Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the info, I’ll give it a try