4PPC30_0702_23B + X20BR7300 + X20CS1020. RS232 modbus comunication

Hello, I am trying to read some informations from a device, that supports comunication with modbus protocol through RS232 port.
I managed to do it succesfuly with built-in rs232 in X20CP0410, using DRV_mbus library, but with the 4PPC30 and X20CS1020 it’s a diferent story.
On “HELP” it sayis that dvframe library can only be used with X2X link and Powerlink, and not with CAN link.
Does anyone know how do I handle this? I cant find any examples in “HELP” so help!
Thank you.

Hello Emanuell,

the easiest option is to swap your 4PPC30 for a 4PPC30.702-22B. Then you have an RS232 interface and can communicate with DRV_mbus. Another option is to use an RS485/RS232 converter (note: additional costs).
The third option is to use an X20BC0087 on the Ethernet interface and an X20CS1020 (note: additional costs).
In this case, you have to configure the Modbus RTU communication in Flatstream mode yourself (note: a lot of software effort).

I would prefer option 1.


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Emanuell, welcome to the community.

The X20CS1030 can only be operated on the X20BR7300 with the ‘CANIO bus controller’ function model.

This means that you are only provided with a very simple interface via the IO mapping. Unfortunately, DvFrame and all libraries based on it (e.g. DRV_mbus) cannot be used.

Do I understand correctly that I would need to dircetly map the sequence of the request to the io mapping of the card X20CS1030 and then reada the sequence myself and decode it?

Do I understand correctly that I would need to dircetly map the sequence of the request to the io mapping of the card X20CS1020 and then reada the sequence myself and decode it?

yes, or use 4PPC30.702-22B

+++ edit: 4PPC30.702-23B

What if I have a PLC 4PPC30.702-22B and I need to read some info from a device through RS232 but not with modbus.
This is just an aditional question.

the onboard RS232 and RS485 can be used with DvFrame.