AlarmX history size


What are your experiences about the AlarmX history size?
Which maximum size works well?
Are there any known problems if the size is to big?

Hi Thomas, welcome in our community. Let me answer your questions little bit differently.

I think there are two key questions, which you have to answer first based on your application:
→ how long history do you need to store and what kind of history do you need to store
→ where do you want to store it

There two pages are the basic you should know

To your questions, based on my experiences:

What are your experiences about the AlarmX history size?
→ no issue with it
Which maximum size works well?
→ for the beginning, default value is ok. feel free to increase it/decrease according to your need. but I would also configure in Alarm itself what must be really stored and what not.
I do not think that anyone will tell you magic value, especially without knowing your application and your needs
Are there any known problems if the size is to big?
→ the only problem what can happen that access to it will be slow, you will need more cpu resources to manage it and you will not have enough space to story it.

Hello Thomas,

if you use MpAlarmX history widget in mappView there can be performance and stability problems if buffer size is too big.
Especially if you use paging, filtering and styling (e.g. depending on severity) buffer size shouldn’t be too large.

We have an APC3100 for AR and a PPC1200 for HMI and selected 512 kB as buffer size.

We tried also with 1024 kB but mapp View connection closed (“Server connection lost”).

I think it’s important to decide which alarms should be logged in history and which not to log as many information as possible.

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Thanks for your feedbacks.

We have an APC3100 for AR and PowerPanel T80 for the MappView Client.
With a „Recoding size“ of 2000kB it works without problems.


Thanks for feedback. That is what I already mentioned. Do not look for magic number, because this will be different from application to application and based on your need. Find the one which works perfectly fine for you (from backend as well as from frontend point of view) and be smart with configuration what you really need to keep in history.

Hi @thomas.buechi Thomas,

It looks like you got some good answers from Jaroslav and Simon, and it has been a couple of weeks since the last activity on this post. If the answers helped you with your question, can you help the next person with the same question by marking the solution on the information which helped you the most. If you still have open questions on this topic, can you provide an update?

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