MpAlarmXHistory Delete Alarm History


We are using in our application the AlarmHistory widget, linked to the MpAlarmXHistory mapp function, and we were wondering if there is any way of “deleting/resetting” the alarm history list.

We tried looking further into the MpAlarmXHistory mapp function and AlarmHistory widget documentation but we didn’t find anything.

Can the alarm history be cleared, and if so, how can this be achieved?


Hello, you can use MpAlarmXClearHistory


Habria alguna manera de poder resetear las alarmas sin necersidad de usar el mpalarmx?
Muchas gracias.

Hi @Rbn,

MpAlarmX is used to create, display, and reset alarms. If the alarms are created using MpAlarmX, MpAlarmX is used to reset them. If you still have questions, please create a new topic with additional details as this thread has been marked as solved.