Automation Studio really slow with Sophos defense software (antivirus)

Hi Community,

I’m recently get some trouble with Automation Studio compilation and comparing before transfer.

I’m pretty sure it’s link to Sophos Defense Software the antivirus we use in my company.
It seems that the File scanner process of Sophos intercept moving files for analyze them, I’ve see compilation error due to read-only files.

With a really small project, 10 B&R lib and 3 ST programs with approx 100 lines of codes each, compilation take around 10min…

It’s really recent because we used Sophos from long time and the trouble appears this week (maybe a Sophos update ?!)

We try to add an exclusion in Sophos on the installation folder of AS, I need more tests about it.

Did someone has experiences with similar trouble in link with antivirus software ? It complexe to manage this when we need to compile and transfer a lot in a day :slight_smile:

I need some help to talk with my IT departement.

Best regards,

Hi there,

your conclusion of the AV interception is on point imo. Since a compilation usually moves around or creates or modifies many files (and a rebuild does even more of that), any AV that does live searching (vs. time based full scans) will happily try to use all of your resources to do just that.

What you did is on the right track - exclusion of specific paths - but you chose the wrong one when it comes to compilation. The one that really should be excluded is the projects folder, wherever that is on your PC (C:\projects maybe?) - where you store your AS projects.

Additionally excluding the AS installation folder helps on occasions of any upgrades, especially some TPs with lots of (help) files - since AVs will do the same there: “new file? Let’s scan it right away”… times the amount of files

Hope that helps
Best regards

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Hi Michael,

Thanks for your answer !

I will try to create the exclusion of the projects folder to see if it’s better.

I any case I will update the post when a solution is found, in case it can help any one else :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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I’m using this thread to store some infos too.

I identify that the copy of directory containning mappView javascript build take 6min (4818 files, 891 folders, size: 79MB)

Now I can confirm that it’s files interception.

I’m in contact with Sophos support to determine, what append.

Hi there,
unsure if it helps, but skipping the “Rebuild” button (in fact, I recommend forgetting its existance) also helps a lot in keeping the build process as short as possible. This copy looks to me like you are either changing the visualisation between compilations or you are rebuilding the project.

Best regards

Hi Michael,

Yes you’re right, but it’s my reproduction way to rebuild the project for my tests. I didn’t always rebuild my project for transfert it to the target.

It just easier to have the way of reproduction, for Sophos support team and maybe for B&R support.

And in fact, if I made a change in mappView and the process of compilation time is multiply by 20, it’s really a bad thing.

I also have a question, for my part all version of AS4.X is installed under “C:\BRAutomation”, maybe move the install folder to “C:\Program Files (x86)” or “C:\Program Files” could help the AV ?


We are experiencing the same issue when attempting to rebuild the PGM, as it is taking significantly longer than usual. After uninstalling Sophos, the rebuild process works fine, but for security reasons, the organization requires that the software be reinstalled.

Could Anyone kindly suggest how we can resolve this issue and ensure that the rebuild process performs optimally without compromising on security?


Can you please try the exclusions from this post?

Best regards!

Yes we have tried that way but the same issue continue.

I think you have to discuss this issue with your IT department or use virtual machine. Anyway If you find solution, please share it with us :slight_smile:

Hi Jaroslav
We have temporary disable the sophos antivirus system in the laptop then its working fine.
Our IT team working in backend to find the solution also contact with B&R india.

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It would be interesting to know the findings from your IT team. I will update this article Automation Studio - Antivirus Exlusions

Hi guys,

A little update, my IT team and I are still in contact with Sophos support team, I gave Sophos support a log using process monitor and Sophos logs, they are investigate about it.
Last version of “Core Agent” of Sophos (2024. seems to improve things, obvusly not if Sophos was disactivated.

For info in my case we didn’t need to completly disable Sophos, we just disabled the “Real-time File scanner”.

One test we made is to exclude the AS installation path, it improve a bit the things too.

Actual exclusions done that seems to be improving are:

  • C:\BRAutomation\AS412\AS\TechnologyPackages\mappView\5.24.3\bin\CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe
  • C:\BRAutomation\AS412\bin-en\pg.exe

But it version related so if you exclude AS installation path, it should do the same.

I will check with Sophos Support if there is a way, when ticket will be closed to update this post to give ID of the ticket. That could maybe help someone else :slight_smile:

As I leave my actual company Friday, I will check with my collegues how we can share you the infos about this :slight_smile:


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