Slow Transfer to ARSim

It is taking too much time for downloading sample program brautomation folder.
Previously I used same sample project but this much time not taken at that time but now it’s taking too much time for download.


Please help me

Hi @veeresh.suranagi

I’ve moved this post to a new topic as it is unrelated to your first post. In the future, please create new posts for new topics.

Transfer time is affected by what is currently running on your target (this post has some more details). However, it looks like you’re actually transferring to an empty ARSim target.

Projects that have more data in them take more time to transfer than projects with less data in them. Since there is a lot of content in the mappView sample, I’d expect this project to take longer to transfer than a simpler project. How long is your transfer taking?

One idea could be to do an offline installation via Project → Project Installation → Offline Installation. This recreates the simulated PLC folder and may be faster.

Thanks for your response
it is taking more than 2 hoours

Previously used same sample program many times but this time it’s taking too much time for transferring the program.

Original sample program in 4.3 so I converted to 4.12 AS version and installed required setups then i am trying to download the program but it takes too much time for transferring in simulation.

I tried opening the mvHighlight_5_24 sample project that comes with AS 4.12.7 and I also saw it taking a long time via an initial online transfer. I didn’t let it run for 2 hours, but it was definitely going slowly. I do not know for sure why this is, but I’d guess that there is just a lot of content in the sample project (including 5 separate visualizations).

However, an offline installation was almost instantaneous, so I’d recommend this method (at least for the initial installation and simulation creation).

I also tried upgrading the AR version in the project to M4.93 (which is just the latest I have installed) and this sped up the transfer. Though it was still not as fast as the offline installation method.

Thank you
I also tried offline installation method then project transfer is faster now.

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