Canopenslave communication for read/write pdos

I am using meteorix servo drive as canopen slave in B&R automation studio and canopen Master X20IF2772 over controller x20cp3684. Also my purpose it to read/write TPDO and RPDO. I have used ascanopen Library and used sample program 2 for my reference to write a code. I have no errors in the code, but after transferring I am not getting any output. What could be the issue? Or I have to use some different method to read/write PDOS?
Also I am trying to simulate this drive, but I don’t have any hardware for this.
Thank you for your help.

Hi @samikshaunhale21

Since you are simulating the drive, how are you checking for output? The first thing I recommend trying is forcing outputs (bypassing any control logic) to make sure that you are sending something with data rather than just zeros. Then, you can use a CAN sniffer tool/program (one example is PCAN. but there are others) to see what data the device is actually sending.

It’s hard to tell from just this post what the problem is. If you’re getting any error information (i.e. on function blocks or in the Logger) those would also help us diagnose.

I have written logic with variables and as per my code I am getting output but there is no can communication established . and I wan to get output over canopen protocol. i will try using PCAN or similar software as recommended by you. I just wanted to know is there any way to simulate canopen drive without hardware and without external canopen simulator.
Thank you @marcusbnr.