Expansion of controller X20CP3684

How to expand x20CP3684 controller using bus expansion module? Can anyone provide me a detailed solution to this. Also for x20CP3684controller bus X20BM11 is getting assigned automatically and I cannot see it in physical view or in system designer.

I am not able to connect hardware modules to controller.

Hi there,

unfortunately your question does not really state what you want. Some non-defined bus expansion should expand a controller? And expand to what?
And what do you mean by “automatically assigned”? A X20CP3584 does not require nor insert a bus module automatically and thus also does not assign it in any AS version I know of.
Please try, maybe with a small sketch of the desired outcome including the hardware you are talking about (model numbers!), to rephrase your question and state what you want to do.

I was trying to connect unconnected hardware modules to the controller but it was not possible due to following error(It is not possible to connect hardware module X20BM11 to connector IF6 of X20CP3684, because there is no fitting connector on X20BM11.)I have attached. so I thought if I extend the controller for extra modules needed with bus expansion module.

I do not see any BM11 module in your screenshot (in fact I barely see anything since it’s so small)
Drag the X20CS2770 module to the X2X connector of the PLC. There should not be any BM11 involved in that. Otherwise please take a screenshot where we can see (scaled properly!) what you are drag&dropping and possibly the location, compare:

I tried to drag module to the X2X connector of PLC. I got error as following.

While your screenshot somehow shows that you involved the Ethernet interface (?) (look at mine, it clearly shows what I dragged (the CS2770 module) and where I tried to drop it) and the exception also does say something about ETH, still unsure if the right thing happens.
Anyway, in both cases such an exception is unexpected and should not occur.

The recommendation for the issue itself:

  • Reinstallation of AS

The recommendation for further questions:

  • The next question should have way more details from the beginning, please consider thinking about “can anyone who is not sitting in front of the PC have a clue what I am doing or trying to do by reading my question”