Fill GroupBoxes with relative positioning from bottom to top

Hello everyone,

is it possible for the child elements in a GroupBox (childPositioning=relative) in mapp View to be filled from bottom to top?

There is the “float” setting. However, this only allows flexibility in the left/right direction

Do you have any ideas/experiences? Does this perhaps work with other widgets?

Thank you in advance for your input!
Simon :slight_smile:

Hi Simon,

As I know there is only GroupBox and FlexBox that has this “relative” positionning with “float” settings.

But as “float” is defined in FlexBox it’s same behavior than for GroupBox.

If I understand what you want to have is to have the first item visible in the GroupBox to be anchor at the bottom of the GroupBox and next items on top of each other ?

Maybe take a look at creating your own GroupBox based on the GroupBox official source code. At first look, I would say it CSS thing but I didn’t really look inside.

Hope that could help !


You want something like this ?

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Yes. It should look like that!

You man using Widget Developement Toolchain?
I’m currently using mappView 5.24.3 :confused:

I didn’t used Widget Developement Toolchain for that. I was just using DevTools of content editor to change some css properties.

I didn’t have access to WDT for AS4.XX but we can do it by hand.

I will try to take some time this weekend to create a new groupbox that implement this parameter on the repo ( br-automation-com/mappView-CustomWidgets: Collection of new and modified mappView widgets).

Hi @Simon_Stoll,

I’ve work a bit on the GroupBox, I have something working. I just have a question, if there is a scroll bar because of the number of items inside the GroupBox, would you prefer the scroll bar to be by default at the bottom:

Or at the top:

Pull request has been created on the repo :slight_smile:

I merged it, thx for sharing

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Hi Florent,

thank you so much for creating extended GroupBox. I didn’t think about manipulate widgets in css properties :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about the scrollBars. I don’t need them for my use case.

Maybe I’ll find a solution to set Anchor to “bottomRight”.

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I can check about the float to be working with anchor bottom

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