Adaptive groupbox size

Hi All,

I’m using mappView and I have a widget like the following one:

  • one external groubox
  • 3 groupboxes inside the main groupbox
  • inside each smaller groupbox there are 3 compound widgets (start command, start feedback and speed feedback)

This is an example:

I would like to know if there is the possibility to make the size of the smaller groupboxes dynamic.
In some cases I must hide the visibility of some compound widgets and I would like to have a behavior like the following one.

EXAMPLE: I want to hide the start feedback of the middle groupbox (visibility false)

I obtain this

but the desidered result is this one:

basically I want to avoid to have empty spaces.

Do you have any solutions or suggestions?

Hello Gianluca,

what I did in such cases: use a FlexBox and FlexBoxItems (as the inner GroupBoxes).

You can bind the sizeFactor of FlexBoxItem to OpcUA or SessionVariable and maipulate depending on visible items inside it.

I don’t know whether this is the best solutions but maybe it will work for you :slight_smile:

Sincerly Simon :smiling_face:

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