Dialog size for Add and Modify User dialog for 7"


I am developing a application that will run on both a 15.6" and 7".
When I am now working on the 7" solution, the standard dialogs for adding and modifying user is to large for the panel. The panel is in landscape mode. I have only tested on ARsim at the moment. And there the buttons in the lower part of the dialog are not shown when i resize the browser to match the panel size.

Is there any solution to use these dialogs on a smaller screen? On the 15.6" panel it is no issue with the application.

Hi Daniel, check this topic Modify size of AlarmList configuration dialog and this Attribute "zoom" in mappView configuration does not scale keyboards on different display sizes.

From my point of view, you have to develop your own solution (compound widget) because dialog for 7" will look different compared to dialog in 15.6".

Hi Jaroslav,

Thanks for the input, I assumed it would not be possible but was hoping for an other answer.

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You are not the only one who asked for that. I think it is a good point to bring up with the product owner of mappView. If you have time, you can get in contact with the local office with a request.