When using function blocks such as ArCanSend, a DeviceName input is required to direct the messages to the correct interface.
Device Names are given in the following format.
This could for example be “SS1.IF1”, which would translate to SubSlot1 Inteface 1. This would be the case when using an X20IF2772 (2 port CAN X20 interface module).
If we take a more complicated example where an X20CS2770 (2 port CAN X20 electronics communication module) would be located in a Powerlink expansion.
The easiest way to determine the correct address for this interface is to hover the mouse pointer over the communications port and Automation Studio should tell this directly to you in a popup. In this case the result would be “IF3.ST2.IF1.ST4.IF2”.
The other way to find out this is to follow the hardware tree in Physical View.
This is the same for all function blocks, which require the user to specify the correct interface.