How to jump to a different screen id by clicking a button

As my mappview program has more than one visualization,
How to switch IDs via click events instead of typing a URL in the browser ,
as we all know,you can’t open twoIDs in one browser at the same time, so the new page must be opened in the same tab, or the original tab can be closed automatically.
Can you give me some examples that meet my requirements, thanks.

mapp View does not have a “link” concept - so you cannot switch the HMI.

A possibility to achieve a similar effect is by including other HMIs as “page” into your HMI.
Basically you insert a page into your HMI, this pages gets a layout with only one area … to this area you do not assign a “content” - but a complete HMI. Switching the HMIs is then just a page change …

You find details in the help:


I know what do you mean,
but i can not figure out that is this the best way to do so?

Hi, there is no real downside with this approach. Just give it a try.
I think there is also no “better” way in mapp View.

Got it, thank you very much.