Industrial Automation - User Terminology Survey (UX research)

In our pursuit to create a better coding experience for automation engineers, we’ve noticed that some terms and expressions are used interchangeably to describe different concepts, while other times a single term can refer to multiple things. To address these inconsistencies your help is needed!

I’d greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete this survey. Your input will help us understand why these discrepancies exist and guide us in unifying and defining terminology in a more logical, cohesive, and scalable way.

:arrow_right:>>Survey link<<

Thank you for your time and valuable insights!

If you have any additional questions or suggestions please feel free to ask or reach out directly.


Not sure if it’s just me, but I have no access to this form.

The link has been updated, so everyone can now access the survey. This is also a reminder to others: if you would like to run your own survey, make sure that all community members can access it. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to contact me, and I will help you

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I filled out the survey today. There are a lot of tricky questions and considerations that you have to understand first. Everyone uses the same terms with different meanings, so it’s obvious that team-oriented project work is tricky from the start when it comes to communication. As a solution, I can imagine a workspace that is self-explanatory and using terms that are known and have the same meaning throughout the community is a far-reaching but worthwhile goal.
It’s worth spending 15 minutes on it.

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Hi Dzenis, can you share with us summary of your survey?