I have a 1685 plc, I want to upload a program without a CF card. I changed the mode on it to onboard mode and activated SNMP. I searched for it in the plc online setting but it did not find it.
Did you restart the PLC after changing the mode to onboard?
If there is no project on the onboard flash, the PLC should start in BOOT mode, and should be visible with a Browse in the Online → Settings window.
You can verify that the PLC has started in boot mode by checking that the led’s are in the following state:
- R/E = Red
- RDY/F = Yellow
You can also try to force the PLC to boot in BOOT mode by using the “Reset button”.
Boot mode is enabled by the following button sequence:
- Press the button for less than 2 s.
As soon as LED “Error” lights RED, the button can be released.- Then press the button within 2 s for longer than 2 s.
As soon as LED “Error” goes out, the button can be released.
I did what you said but it still couldn’t find it, at first I pressed the reset button for 2 seconds then R/E = Red
RDY/F = Yellow came on then I pressed the reset button again when the red and yellow colors of R/E and RDY/F went off I stopped pressing the reset button and it went back to its original state, that is R/E = Red
RDY/F = Yellow came on and I searched for plc from online setting and the result was negative
Hi @rhys , what is status of your topic? Can you update us?
Closed due to long inactivity. Feel free to reopen it if needed.