Hi Everyone.
I have an OpcUa Client Configuration setup on my APROL 4.4-00 P4 Runtime system.
I have working communication to an ABB controller via OpcUa, with reading and writing variables.
In the NodesToWrite section I am limited to 100 variables, as soon as I add a variable I get an error on the UaRClient.
Error : [ABB_Controller_S1|Write]: [115519]: Calling write service failed with error: [BadTooManyOperations]
I need to add more variables for my project.
Does anyone know, how to increase the limit to be able to write to more variables?
in the OPC UA Client settings, there is an option called “MaxOperationsPerServiceCall”.
It can be found in the session settings under “Parameters/Limits”.
You could try setting it to a value lower than 100.
Hi Gerald. Thank you for providing the information. I have found that Parameter, and adjusted it up and down, but it still made no difference. I still have that same error.
Hi Everyone
Just an update on the query.
I initially had all my writing variables just in 1x group, same for the reading variables.
After separating the variables in multiple groups “see screenshot for details”,
it cleared the error I was having, and I am able to connect to the controllers.