ParID für rohen Encoder Wert ACOPOS / ParID for raw encoder value ACOPOS


gibt es eine ParID über die man direkt den rohen Encoderwert (ohne Skalierung!) für Diagnosezwecke aus einem ACOPOS Antriebsverstärker auslesen kann. Bin hier bisher nicht fündig geworden.

Danke schonmal!



You can use ParID: 91: Encoder1: Actual position
See: B&R Online Help

Hi Hakan,

thanks for your reply. Unfortunately that is not the value I am looking for. I need the raw/unscaled value of the encoder in “increments”. ParID 91 is already scaled to units.

maybe this could fit

B&R Online Help

Hello Dominik,

the encoder position in increments is only available within one encoder revolution on ParID 245
For many encoder types the raw value would be too large for a 4-byte data type (E.g. multiturn EnDat with 2 mio Inc/rev and 4096 rev).

You could scale your axis so that 1 Unit = 1 Inc for your diagnosis.
SCALE_LOAD_UNITS = <Encoder Inc. per revolution>

Hi @dominik.lehnberg, have you found solution that helped you the most? can you mark it or provide us more info?

Thank you, to all of you! I ended up using the work around Martin Schrott proposed for diagnose purposes.