PWM with current control with X90


I need to control a proportional valve that takes a current input, from 80mA to 600mA for opening fully from 0 to 100%. I thought of giving it a try with X90 PWM output.
My main pain point is the difficulty in tuning the dither, and PI-gain parameters. Is there a guide for that?
Also, is there an easier way to save new parameters than modifying the configuration file → rebuilding the .eds file → importing the .eds file → restarting the Automation studio → rebuild and transfer the project?
If anyone has tried controlling a proportional valve with X90, I would really like to connect.

Thanks and regards

Hi Akash, have you found solution for your problem? If so, can you share it with us?

Hi @kovarj ! Do you mean solving Current control for proportional valve? That we haven’t been able to do since it seems like X90 we have (X90BC124.32-00), is not able to produce stable current output. It varies a lot for different PWM frequencies and different reference current.
About auto-tuning, no luck there either. We have to solve for plant dynamics and figure out the PI parameters old-school way. But that didn’t improve the results we saw, so not sure if it is wrongly calculated parameters or X90’s incapability.
Only thing we figured out was to write directly to CanOpen SDOs to change the configurable parameters during run time so we don’t have to rebuild and import eds files everytime.

Even feedback that you have not found the solution is the feedback that can helps others. So thanks for that.