I have a issue with DropDownBox in Automation Studio.
I fill the text with value in the DropDownBox (dataProvider) from Aprol and selectedValue to Aprol.
For example: selectedIndex 0 has dataprovider test, selectedIndex 1 has dataprovider test2 and selectedindex 2-10 has default dataprovider N/A. If I select selectedIndex 1 and do Aprol download (script get default value N/A for dataprovider), selector set selectedIndex to 0 and after a few second after script trigger, it set selectedIndex to 2. On the first value N/A.
If I use 10x dataprovider and first 4 has other value than N/A, after script retrigger it set selectedindex to 4 (it starts from 0, so first position after other value than N/A)
How do I set that selector always remember position (selectedIndex)?
I updated mappview to version 5.22 and during 6 downloads it worked correctly (it remembered position), today it was remembered on one DropDownBox, but not on the other, same project, same logic…
Thank you very much in advance for your help