Set Ip via mappview

Dear All


Is there a way, I can enter Ip for IF2 and/ or IF3 via mappview and with next reboot the ip address are implemented to the respective ports?

Thanks and regards


setting IP addresses, subnet mask and other parameters is possible using functions out of the AsArCfg library, for example CfgSetIpAddr.

If you want a change getting active after next boot and not immediately, you have to implement some additional logic for storing the IP address entered in mappView (for example into a retained variable) and calling the function blocks after reboot to activate the IP address (for example by calling the function block inside the INIT program).

Best regards!


Thanks a lot for the solution.

Add on question, is there any function block to set username and password of FTP server as well?

Thanks and regards


unfortunately no, ftp user / password can’t be set by code as I know.
But you can enable/disable the server using CfgSetFTPServer.

Best regards!

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