Is it possible to use the Set/Reset operators inside an Action programmed with the Instruction List language?
I have already tried, using both global and local variables, but without sucess.
Is it possible to use the Set/Reset operators inside an Action programmed with the Instruction List language?
I have already tried, using both global and local variables, but without sucess.
I think I have found the cause of the problem.
I’m using a X20CP0484 CPU. The Compact-S family uses ARM processors.
When I use another CPU with a different processor family (e.g. X20EM1613, with Intel Atom), I can successfully use the set/reset operators with the Instrucion List language.
Is there a compatibility issue with IL and ARM processors?
I’m not familiar with IL, therefore I can’t answer it directly. But yes, the’re some differences between Intel and ARM: