Types of logs displayed in Automation Studio and Diagnostics Manager

Hi, I am trying to view some logs in the PLC using Automation Studio and Diagnostics Manager. However, I am not able to get the logs to display. I was wondering for logs recorded using the logLine function, will they be displayed in Automation Studio and Diagnostics Manager?

Hi @kenneth.tham ,

if your ‘logLine’ function successfully uses the library ArEventLog you will find your special logger entries in SDM

as well as in AS


by selecting the appropriate logger

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Thanks. I think I may be using a propietary method and not ArEventLog. How do we include the ArEventLog library and use it?

Hi Kenneth,

I agree thinking that “logLine” is a own implemented / proprietary function, never heard this name together with standard Automation Runtime functions.

The ArEventLog library enables you to create own user specific loggers in the PLC accessible via the the standard logger functionality of AS / AR.
The library usage and functions blocks are described here in the online help.

Best regards!

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Thanks, I was wondering if there are any specific examples in C++?

I don’t know if the’re specific examples for C++ available, at least I haven’t seen such a sample until now.
But as ArEventLog is a standard AR library, the common “rules” for instancing and calling function blocks in C++ are also valid for this library.

Best regards!


have a look into here, please:


Thanks for the information. It is helpful.