Hello to the B&R Community,
After analyzing the possibilities to do remotely a software update of an application on a machine, we found 7 different methods.
We have only covered incremental software updates. We have therefore not included on this list the methods of update through a new project installation or through the creation of a new flash memory. We have nor included the method of an upgrade through the network via DHCP, since this is used seldom for updating existing machines.
Please, feel free to add your comments to improve this summary:
Using a local PC controlled remotely or with a VPN, we may download from Automation Studio directly to the controller.
Any AR
No controller restart mandatory
Transfer can be done:
a) Access from our facilities to a PC plugged locally
b) VPN from our remote facilities
Easiest procedure when you have a very broad bandwidth
Faster than any other method
No/few intervention of a remote user is required
No controller restart mandatory
When accessing by VPN, there is a risk of loss of communication, especially if the changes are relevant and if the AR <4.33
The B&R Library ArProject allows you to update your application by choosing a software package, turned accessible to the controller. The user or the programmer may choose the right package for being installed even directly from the visualization. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR >=4.33
No controller restart mandatory (except if you modify the program containing ArProject or any other program on that Task Class)
The installation package can be copied on:
a) User partition from controller
b) Remote PC locally connected to the controller
c) Local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin)
Copying the installation package can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin)
d) Local user copies it on a local PC connected to the controller
Secure procedure
No/few intervention of a remote user is required
Adequate procedure whenever you may have an unstable bandwidth (e.g., wireless connection)
No controller restart mandatory (except if you change the program where an ARproject FBK is used)
If the machine hasnât been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to add the program with ArProject
In a similar way to Option2, Mapp Backup allows you to update your application by choosing a Project Installation Package or PIP inserted on an USB memory or remote folder. The user or the programmer may choose the right package for being installed even directly from the visualization. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR >=4.33
No controller restart mandatory
Copying the installation package to a local USB pen drive or local folder can be done::
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin) or on a remote folder
Free of charge, since mapp Backup is included on the mapp Services Starter Package
Secure procedure
Powerful diagnostics on Logger
No/few intervention of a remote user is required
Adequate procedure whenever you may have an unstable bandwidth (e.g., wireless connection)
No controller restart mandatory
If the machine hasnât been delivered with mapp Backup before, it requires a first software update to add the mapp Backup and the program
Every time a controller restarts, it checks if there is a new software update available on user partition. If he founds one that it hasnât been installed yet, it will install the software update. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR >=4.33
Controller restart is mandatory
Copying the software update can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
No/few intervention of a remote user is required
Controller restart is mandatory
Disabled per default in Automation Studio. If the machine hasnât been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to enable it.
Every time a controller restarts, it checks if there is a new software update available on a pen drive inserted on it. If he founds one that it hasnât been installed yet, it will install the software update. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR >=4.33
Controller restart is mandatory
Copying the software update can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive
No/few intervention of a remote user is required
Not all USB pen drive are valid
USB pen drive must be previously been formatted with FAT16 or FAT32
Controller restart is mandatory
Disabled per default in Automation Studio. If the machine hasnât been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to enable it.
Runtime utility center allows to transfer a RUC package created from Automation Studio. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR >=4.33
No controller restart mandatory
Executing the Runtime Utility Center installation can be done:
a) From a remote PC access plugged locally (no risk of communication interruption)
b) From our PC by using a VPN (risk of communication interruption)
Runtime Utility Center is free of charge and may be easily installed on a local PC
If installed from a PC plugged locally, the RUC Package doesnât contain the source code
No controller restart mandatory
No other big advantage in comparison with other methods
Runtime utility center allows to load an instruction list created from Automation Studio, contaning the transfer of some B&R modules. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
AR <4.33
No controller restart mandatory
Executing the Runtime Utility Center installation can be done:
a) From a remote PC access plugged locally (no risk of communication interruption)
b) From our PC by using a VPN (risk of communication interruption)
Runtime Utility Center is free of charge and may be easily installed on a local PC
Selective transfer can be done by choosing specific binary files to be transferred
No controller restart mandatory
Only remote alternative to Automation Studio transfer when using AR < 4.33
Transfer list has to be written manually; it requires experience and it is somehow risky