Updating application on a remote machine: available procedures

Hello to the B&R Community,

After analyzing the possibilities to do remotely a software update of an application on a machine, we found 7 different methods.

We have only covered incremental software updates. We have therefore not included on this list the methods of update through a new project installation or through the creation of a new flash memory. We have nor included the method of an upgrade through the network via DHCP, since this is used seldom for updating existing machines.

Please, feel free to add your comments to improve this summary:

Using a local PC controlled remotely or with a VPN, we may download from Automation Studio directly to the controller.
:point_right: Any AR
:point_right: No controller restart mandatory
:point_right: Transfer can be done:
a) Access from our facilities to a PC plugged locally
b) VPN from our remote facilities
:slightly_smiling_face: Easiest procedure when you have a very broad bandwidth
:slightly_smiling_face: Faster than any other method
:slightly_smiling_face: No/few intervention of a remote user is required
:slightly_smiling_face: No controller restart mandatory
:frowning_face: When accessing by VPN, there is a risk of loss of communication, especially if the changes are relevant and if the AR <4.33
temp empty

The B&R Library ArProject allows you to update your application by choosing a software package, turned accessible to the controller. The user or the programmer may choose the right package for being installed even directly from the visualization. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR >=4.33
:point_right: No controller restart mandatory (except if you modify the program containing ArProject or any other program on that Task Class)
:point_right: The installation package can be copied on:
a) User partition from controller
b) Remote PC locally connected to the controller
c) Local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin)
:point_right: Copying the installation package can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin)
d) Local user copies it on a local PC connected to the controller
:slightly_smiling_face: Secure procedure
:slightly_smiling_face: No/few intervention of a remote user is required
:slightly_smiling_face: Adequate procedure whenever you may have an unstable bandwidth (e.g., wireless connection)
:slightly_smiling_face: No controller restart mandatory (except if you change the program where an ARproject FBK is used)
:frowning_face: If the machine hasn’t been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to add the program with ArProject
temp empty

In a similar way to Option2, Mapp Backup allows you to update your application by choosing a Project Installation Package or PIP inserted on an USB memory or remote folder. The user or the programmer may choose the right package for being installed even directly from the visualization. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR >=4.33
:point_right: No controller restart mandatory
:point_right: Copying the installation package to a local USB pen drive or local folder can be done::
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive (not available in ARwin) or on a remote folder
:slightly_smiling_face: Free of charge, since mapp Backup is included on the mapp Services Starter Package
:slightly_smiling_face: Secure procedure
:slightly_smiling_face: Powerful diagnostics on Logger
:slightly_smiling_face: No/few intervention of a remote user is required
:slightly_smiling_face: Adequate procedure whenever you may have an unstable bandwidth (e.g., wireless connection)
:slightly_smiling_face: No controller restart mandatory
:frowning_face: If the machine hasn’t been delivered with mapp Backup before, it requires a first software update to add the mapp Backup and the program
temp empty

Every time a controller restarts, it checks if there is a new software update available on user partition. If he founds one that it hasn’t been installed yet, it will install the software update. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR >=4.33
:point_right: Controller restart is mandatory
:point_right: Copying the software update can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
:slightly_smiling_face: No/few intervention of a remote user is required
:frowning_face: Controller restart is mandatory
:frowning_face: Disabled per default in Automation Studio. If the machine hasn’t been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to enable it.
temp user partition

Every time a controller restarts, it checks if there is a new software update available on a pen drive inserted on it. If he founds one that it hasn’t been installed yet, it will install the software update. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR >=4.33
:point_right: Controller restart is mandatory
:point_right: Copying the software update can be done:
a) By FTP from a remote PC access plugged locally
b) By FTP from our PC by using a VPN
c) Local user copies it on a local USB pen drive
:slightly_smiling_face: No/few intervention of a remote user is required
:frowning_face: Not all USB pen drive are valid
:frowning_face: USB pen drive must be previously been formatted with FAT16 or FAT32
:frowning_face: Controller restart is mandatory
:frowning_face: Disabled per default in Automation Studio. If the machine hasn’t been delivered with it before, it requires a first software update to enable it.
temp usb partition

Runtime utility center allows to transfer a RUC package created from Automation Studio. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR >=4.33
:point_right: No controller restart mandatory
:point_right: Executing the Runtime Utility Center installation can be done:
a) From a remote PC access plugged locally (no risk of communication interruption)
b) From our PC by using a VPN (risk of communication interruption)
:slightly_smiling_face: Runtime Utility Center is free of charge and may be easily installed on a local PC
:slightly_smiling_face: If installed from a PC plugged locally, the RUC Package doesn’t contain the source code
:slightly_smiling_face: No controller restart mandatory
:frowning_face: No other big advantage in comparison with other methods
temp empty

Runtime utility center allows to load an instruction list created from Automation Studio, contaning the transfer of some B&R modules. B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)
:point_right: AR <4.33
:point_right: No controller restart mandatory
:point_right: Executing the Runtime Utility Center installation can be done:
a) From a remote PC access plugged locally (no risk of communication interruption)
b) From our PC by using a VPN (risk of communication interruption)
:slightly_smiling_face: Runtime Utility Center is free of charge and may be easily installed on a local PC
:slightly_smiling_face: Selective transfer can be done by choosing specific binary files to be transferred
:slightly_smiling_face: No controller restart mandatory
:slightly_smiling_face: Only remote alternative to Automation Studio transfer when using AR < 4.33
:frowning_face: Transfer list has to be written manually; it requires experience and it is somehow risky


Thanks for sharing the list of possiblities.
I basically have another question about transferring via VPN. What infrastructure do I need to set up a remote connection via VPN? Is there a recommendation for this?

Hello, Hubert, nice to get your message!
Well, there are only 2 different methods of connecting through VPN:

  • B&R’s Secure Remote Maintenance solution, or similar
  • Access provided by the IT team of the end-user of our machine, by setting properly the NAT/PAT of their local router

Nevertheless, your request of a further analysis requires a new topic. I leave that task to someone else. :wink:

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I think that while mentioning ArProject, you should also point out that there is also mapp Backup available. The procedure is more or less the same but programming is quicker and easier when using mapp components!


Hello Bartosz,
Thank you for your contribution! You are totally right! mapp Backup has even a Use Case dedicated to show how a software upgrade should be done. Therefore, it make sense to be, at least, mentioned in the list.

mapp Backup may be considered as a use case of ArProject, that allows you to use different media for the upgrade (mapp Backup only allows the use of an USB). In fact, I learned that mapp Backup is using ArProject FBKs in the background.

Up to now, I have never seen it as an upgrade tool and I don’t know any user who is using mapp Backup for upgrading machines. Anyway, I will make some tests and probably it should join the list as 7th valid procedure. Or may be not, since it doesn’t provide a “proper different use case”.

What do you think? Feel free to add your opinion inside this topic.

  • mapp Backup doesn’t provide a useful alternative and should not inserted
  • mapp Backup is a valid upgrade procedure and it makes sense to be added
0 voters
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Hello @bartosz.pawlik ,
The poll result has provided a clear statement.
Therefore, I have just inserted mapp Backup as 3rd update procedure.

Thank you once again for your valuable contribution to this summary!
Luis Miguel Sainz Pena


Is all methode is limited to AR 4.33 and greater, except AS installtion ?
What if i put my controle un boot mode or service mode ?
Can i use usb install if my controler is in version J4.11?

Hello Luis,

Great guide. It’s very helpful to have options laid in a single place.

I believe under USB install, the bullet point of the AR needing to be AR >= 4.33 is incorrect. USB install is available for versions much earlier than 4.3x. This can be seen in the AS Help under ‘Creating a remote install structure,’ which contains instructions for creating an old USB, DHCP or CF install. I don’t recall exactly when USB installation was introduced, but I recall it being somewhere in the AS 2.5-2.6 era (long time ago).

The instructions may change over AR versions (particularly in AS4.11, when the USB interface was simplified) but the functionality is available for older AR versions.

Why is version 4.33 referenced so many times?
There was a massive change in the transfer methodology in the transition from AR 4.2x to AR 4.3x (4.33 was the first released AR version of the AR 4.3x line, therefore it’s referenced the most).

In AR 4.2x and earlier, Automation Studio generated a list of changed software modules and built a pil (PVI Instruction List) file that contained the software objects downloaded in the correct order. The PIL was then executed by RUC (formerly PVI Transfer Tool), which went line-by-line, downloading (and installing) individual software objects in the PLC.

Beginning with AR v4.3x, Automation Studio packages all the software objects into a single transfer file (zipped/compressed). This single transfer file is downloaded to the PLC and it is the job of the AR on the PLC to extract and install those objects locally.



Great Explanation @austin.carpenter , but does it mean the AR needs to be in version 4.33 and more to understand the PIP installation method?
Do a need an USB installation specific to my AR version ?


Hi Tommy,

You can perform a USB installation in the case you use a version of AR older than 4.33.

A project installation package can be deployed on target systems which use Automation Runtime < 4.33 without any additional manual steps.
Update AR version

However, if you are using Automation Studio 4.10 or older, when you create the USB from “Generate Project Installation Package”, you have you to select the option to "Generate PIP incl. support of AR < 4.33 on drive X:"


On Automation Studio 4.11 and newers, this option already doesn’t exist, and the USB installation package already includes the support for AR version 4.33 or olders. So in that case you just select "Generate a project installation package (PIP) on drive X:".


But answering directly to your question:
NO, you don’t need a version of AR older than 4.33 to perform an USB Installation
The procedure will depend on the Automation Studio version you are using. If you are using AS 4.10 or older you must select "Generate PIP incl. support of AR < 4.33 on drive X:" during the PIP generation.

Hope now is all clear.


Please, be aware that I am only describing ways to update the software. Thus, I am not considering the procedures to setup an initial installation. I already explained that at the beginning of my first post:

"We have only covered incremental software updates. We have therefore not included on this list the methods of update through a new project installation or through the creation of a new flash memory. "

May be I am wrong, but I think that before AR 4.33 this way of creating “minor updates” on an USB pen drive was not available.


It is possible to perform software updates prior to AR 4.33 via USB. You could upgrade to a new AR and/or just update the application.

See the following from the AS Help version (prior to AR v4.33, will have no information on later versions).

AS Help 4.2.8 GUID: 5d329472-281d-435f-a09a-21ff97ce21f0 (ctrl+g, paste GUID)

You can see the configuration still in the (legacy) Generate Remote Install Structure command in RUC. In order for AR to determine if the application needed to be updated, the Application version (orange box) needed to be changed from the previous version that was installed.

(As previously mentioned, the interface and workflow is much different than in AR 4.33+.)


Hi, thanks for the information. As a beginner, I’m curious about using B&R’s Secure Remote Maintenance solution. Can you explain it in simple terms?

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Hello Luis,

Mapp Backup does not exclusively work with USB, but uses a file device. I have experience using mapp BackUp to upgrade the software from an external FTP server hosted by the customer.


you may have a look in to the AS-Help. There are some Information about the Secure Remote Maintenance.

Secure Remote Maintenance Overview

The Hardware is used to generate a secure VPN Tunnel from the Machine Network on Coustomer Site to the local Network. The Programmer or Service Technician can access the maschine via standard Ethernet connection in Automation Studio.


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Thank you Tobias!
“Option3:Mapp Backup” has been properly updated upon your correction.
Nice regards!
Luis Miguel

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