APROL: Download to remote controller without APROL on premises

I use APROL (4.2) for engineering my systems. Typically every plant will get an APC with APROL installed so updates on those plants is done through that APROL instance. However, in some cases I need to deliver a PLC-Solution only, i.e. there is NO APROL on premises.

For this I simply download my program using Aprol’s Download Manager to a flash card, insert the flash card on the Aprol-less controller and it runs.

My problem is when I need to update the sofware remotely. Right now my only solution is to program a new flash card and send it to the customer to replace it or get the customer install on his windows PC a copy of PVI Controller, send him the image, letting him to the image and all those stuff - sometimes not a practical solution.

Since I have a VPN connection to the controller, I am wondering if there are other methods of updating the software on an aprol-less controller?
I have tried making a download to the vpn ip address of the controller directly from my APROL (connected through VPN) but this has never worked, the download never actually starts and it breaks after a while.

Any ideas how can I do that?


So, if I understand correctly, you are trying to create a non-APROL PLC solution.
Why not use Automation Studio directly?

For remote connection, you can use Gateway Manager (link).


I need to deliver a simple controller that uses existing elements from APROL. All my CFCs and libraries are already developed within APROL, and I want to avoid rewriting them in Automation Studio (AS). Additionally, no visualization is needed for this controller.

While I could create a standalone AS-based solution, that would require manually porting all my APROL CFCs and libraries to AS. This would introduce version management challenges, as I would need to ensure that both implementations stay synchronized. Furthermore, I prefer working with the APROL editor since I am more familiar with it.

My Current Approach

If I take an element from APROL (e.g., as shown in the attached image), create a Flashcard from it using APROL’s Download Manager, and insert it into my CP1585 controller, it runs successfully—without requiring APROL. This works because the controller contains elements that execute on the PLC’s control runtime (CTRL) rather than in APROL’s control computer (CC), so I don’t have any runtime dependencies on APROL - for this small project at least.


The issue is that this controller is being deployed remotely, and I only have access via VPN. A standard APROL download using the Download Manager is not an option, as I’ve tried it multiple times over VPN, and it has never worked reliably.

Possible Workarounds

  1. Sending a pre-configured Flashcard by mail – This method works but is time-consuming.
  2. Creating an image of the Flashcard using PVI Manager – The customer could then recreate the Flashcard on-site, but this depends on their technical skills. Not all my customers are comfortable performing this procedure, so I would be reliant on their expertise.

Looking for a Better Solution

I need a solution that allows me to update the controller independently, without relying on the customer or requiring physical access.

According to this B&R forum post, several methods exist for handling this, and using an FTP server seems to be the most straightforward. However, my challenge is that the controller is being generated and downloaded within APROL, not AS—so how does this process work in that case?

Current Status

I’ve already enabled the FTP server on both AS and APROL on my test controller. Interestingly, it seems that FTP configuration is only needed on APROL, as the AS FTP settings appear to have no impact. Additionally, I have activated the “Activate USER-partition install” option in AS.

After performing a download, the controller’s FTP server is running, and I can see the following folder structure:

Next Steps

What do I need to do next to upload the controller software remotely via FTP, given that it was generated in APROL and not AS? Are there additional steps required to transfer the necessary files and trigger the update process?

[I am on AR D4.52 and APROL 4.2 (no MAPP View available)]

now i get it.
You can transfer code ( libraries) between Aprol and AS as br-module. But its little bit more complicated. So you develop it in one system export it as br-module, and import it to the second system.

Now to maint topic. Remote connection.
Plese research or contact your local office about SiteManager,GateManager,LinkManager.
Office web page about remote maintanance is here (br-automation.com/RemoteMaintanance)

Site Manager (SM): HW device installed in the customer’s network where the PLC is located (there can be more than one PLC (up to 5)). We have a total of 3 HW variants. SM with Ethernet (100Base-T), with GPRS/3G, with WiFi. One SM has up to 5 Device Agents (PLC, PC).

Gate Manager (GM): Server used to connect SM and LM. This is not provided by BR. The customer must set up this server in their network. We only have a test server in Austria and accounts created by Pepa to which it is possible to connect for testing. Connection of up to 2000 SM.

Link Manager (LM): Software installed on the PC of a BR programmer. It will enable a VPN tunnel to GM.

Hi Tomas,

I’m trying to understand the differences between SM, GM, and LM compared to OpenVPN. In the past, our B&R Sales Representative mentioned this solution, but we couldn’t see the advantages compared to a standard VPN. Additionally, at that time, the Managers weren’t fully integrated with Aprol.

That said, I’m not looking to implement any Manager solution, as it goes beyond our current needs. Our setup includes not only B&R components but also other PLCs that require remote access. Therefore, we need a more flexible solution, and the one we currently use meets our requirements. However, my perspective is based on my knowledge of these Managers from 4–5 years ago, so things may have changed.

My main question is about updating B&R modules or the entire controller software via FTP. Is this possible? If not, what alternative methods are available?

Hallo, it is a clever solution to also use the APROL CaeManager for systems without a runtime system for the controller configuration and not to rely on AS projects, as the savings in engineering over the life cycle can be significantly high if only one project has to be maintained.

Use a port scanner to check whether you can reach the ANSL port of the controller required for the download via the VPN. However, ask your IT department in advance whether a port scanner such as Nmap may be used.