X20 cpu go to service mode during running

Hello every one, I have machine running through X20 cpu, during running it suddenly go to service mode, I need to power cycle and it will run for sometime and again it stops, what can be the reason

Hi, there is always reason why it goes to service mode, it can be sw as well as hw issue. Logger is always first thing where to look. you can use sdm for that, connect your latptop to PLC and open in browser this link http://ipaddressOfPlc/sdm or use Automation studio for that.

check this Service Mode - What is it and how to collect diagnostics. I think for the beginning you can not get better description how to diagnose your PLC

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@kovarj thank you for your reply to my problem , how can i know if the cause of going to service mode is software , or hardware defect, when i take the logger its the below pic

Hi Ahmed,

a cycle time violation means your code (in this case in TaskClass#1) is too much to handle in the given cycletime.

Although this could still be because of a hardware defect (or wiring error) it is probably a software issue.

If you have the project you could have a look with automation studio to find the specific task, maybe even the root cause. (Open the Logger in Automation Studio, there you have a backtrace of the error)

What you could also do is a profiler recording. With that you could find the cause also.
Your local B&R Support can help you with setting it up.

Other than that, you could just increase the cycletime of taskclass#1 and hope for the best… but I would not recommend that without knowing the cause of the Problem.

hope that helps,
regards stefan


@Stefan_Holz thanks for your support, iam suspecting one sensor when I adjusted it some how it’s getting better, alarm interval reduced, actually I don’t have the code for the program, iam in contact with OEM, but I want to run the machine while waiting for their feedback,
Regards, Ahmed

that can be combination of hw issue and bug in the sw. Sensor itself should not cause cycle time violation. Get in contact with OEM, tell him what error do you have and share with him your findings. Maybe OEM can help you, based on the code in sw, with advice what to change. WIthout project, you can not do much more.

Please notice that a cycle time violation of task (class) X is very often not the fault of the task (class) X mentioned in the logger entry, but because it is interrupted too often or too long by higher priority tasks and reaches its maximum timelimit.
Do a profiler recording and check if the task was interrupted suspeciosly often or for a longer than usual time by another task.

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Hi @Ahmed, have you found cause of your PLC service mode, can you update us and marked answered that helped you the most?

@kovarj not really , as the machine isnt in production .

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