But here I tried to connect this power panel to automation studio, nothing was detected in the automation studio application, it didn’t read that there was a connected device, so I used the offline program installation method using CFcard
you can browse for a PLC in AS Online Settings. The prerequisite is to activate SNMP.
If you don’t know a PLC’s IP address you can look for it using Wireshark.
I am still confused and have not found the answer here, because my PP65 is said to be in service mode and I am confused about how to return it to normal mode, because here it is different from the PLC x20 which has a reset button on the device, whereas here there is no button at all
The PP65 is in Service mode for some reason that can be seen in the Logger. You can open the logger in Automation Studio if you’re connected to a PLC. If you can’t connect, you can insert a CF card into a card reader and look for the data partition in the RPSHD\SYSROM\ folder. There should be BR modules, which are actually loggers.
Since you have a CPU mismatch, it is obvious that the hardware selected in your project and downloaded to the PP65 does not match the actual hardware. Please ensure that the proper hardware is selected, as the full model number is important.
I am also confused, in the automation application the only type available is this, while my hardware type is 4PP065.0571-P74, I automatically choose the one that is similar, namely 4PP065.0571-P74F, for pp065 this is the only one available
After download you can install it via the menu Tools-Upgrades where you can select the tab Local. Browse to the downloaded file and install. Then it should be available in your toolbox (in some cases a restart of Automation Studio is necessary).
Without proper hardware, you cannot create a functional project. From the community’s point of view, we have done our best for you. I think you need to get in touch with the support team at your local B&R office. They can connect with you and help you with the installation.
Where can I contact the B&R team? Because I tried to contact them via email but didn’t get a definite answer and couldn’t solve the problem that occurred