Browse for targets in AS not working

If you happen to find no PLCs on the network using the “Browse” button in Automation Studio:

it could be that the “npf” driver is not running. You can check the status of the driver in the “System information” window. This window can be accessed easily in Win10 by clicking on the “Start” button and typing “System information”.
The “npf” driver is part of the WinPcap installation package available here
Reinstalling WinPcap may solve the problem.

If it just did not find your PLC then check if you have SNMP active for the PLC:
(under Physical view - Configuration of the Ethernet)


Hello, Do you have a different solution to this issue? We have a similar issue.

Hello Halil,

I don’t think it’s the same issue, because in your screenshot a PLC was found by the “search for plc” function (upper right side of the Automation Studio Window) → that means, that the network layer 2 connection is ok and the SNMP protocol works, so SNMP is activated inside your PLC’s project.

As you showed, the target is not pingable → Ping (ICMP protocol) works on network layer 3 (the “ip address layer”). Therefore, in most casese the upper layer 4 (which is the so called “transport layer” where UDP/TCP works) will also not work, and because of the PLC’s online protocol uses TCP, you can’t get online.

In short words: as long as we can’t ping the system, the online connection also won’t work.
So far about the theory: finding out why isn’t that easy.

  • First I would recommend to check the firewall settings of your notebook / if possible, switch the firwall completely off for testing.
  • Second, could you please post the compete output of the following Windows command (this outputs all information about you notebooks network settings): ipconfig /all
  • And third: do you use more then one ethernet interface of the PLC? And if yes, are this ethernet interfaces configured for different IP subnets? Because if not and more then one interface is in the same IP subnet, then this could/will lead to problems with IP communication.

Best regards, Alex