X20CS1070 + X20BC0073 - CAN IO Simple Example

X20CS1070 + X20BC0073 - Simple Example

The X20CS1070 supports CanIO, but only in “stream” or “cyclic stream” mode.

Another option is to use X20IF1072.


Don’t forget to activate Terminal Resistors for the X20CS1070 card and for X20BC0073. GUID : e8ba3e97-c49f-4a7e-8089-b23731d309fd
The CAN interface must be set : “Activate interface = ON”

SDM then sees all modules:

HW connection:

If I connect 24V to DI2, value change in I/O mapping :

AS Project :
X20EM1613_X20CS1070.zip (85.7 KB)


Thanks @marek.svozil and welcome to our B&R Community :slight_smile:

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