X67BC7321 Bus Controller received short circuit current because of contacted with +24VDC and 220VAC

X67BC7321 Bus ControllerModule has received short circuit current because of terminal contacted with +24VDC and 220VAC .
X67BC7321 Bus Controller Module is connected to the CAN interface, B&R 2003 7CP476 module and IO module DM465.
Left LED(at the upper ) of Status Display 1 on X67BC7321 Module is Off and Left LED(at the below ) of Status Display 2 on X67BC7321 Module is blinking. In the user’s manual, Status “off” is “No supply via CAN fieldbus” and Status “blinking” is “Preoperational Mode”. In this case, was the CAN interface, B&R 2003 7CP476 module and IO module DM465 broken down? Or was the X67BC7321 Module broken down? I don’t understand the meaning of that Status “blinking” is “Preoperational Mode”
The LEDs of Number 1 pin and 2 pin (Digital Input pin) on X67BC7321 Module are ON status.
The two Pins are respectively connected to level sensor in dosing unit A1(suction unit)
Now, our factory monitor displays active alarm as below;
dosing unit A1: communication error suction unit.
What is problem?
please help me.

“preoperational mode” means the modul booted up but no one is communincating with the modul. If the master would communicate to the module it would then switch to “operational”

If you connected the +24V connection to 230V AC then it depends where the 24V are used. Any module which uses this 24V might now be damaged if you ruled out any other change in the machine (as a damaged cable would also cause such an issue) you should start to exchange hardware as it mightnow be damaged.

As mentioned ay module which uses the 24V (which were connected to 220V) might be damaged

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Thank you for your help.
I will buy new modules and replace old one.

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