3rd Party UPS expertise

Hey community

For an upcoming retrofit project the replacement of an existing 24V UPS was introduced by the customer. Including the guarantee that the machine can continue operation for ~20 minutes I did figure out that there is no option provided by B&R. So a 3rd party device would be something to be considrered.

From a retro fit perspective the customer would be very happy to have a device in house that is able to report more than OK/NOK. SoC or SoH for example would be very nice to have.

So here is my question to you: Do you got recommendations regarding UPS who provide the option to exchange data with our PLC portfolio and are good for machine operation?
Thanks for reply!

Hi, what is the status of this topic, have you found solution for you?

Not till today. The customer has choosen one including the option with a ModBusTcp card. When the project is done and it is worth it I can share my experience in this topic.

closed with no solution, if you find anything please return to us and share your knowledge with us :slight_smile: