Add tag to Kepserverx

Hello everyone,

We have a CP474 PLC, we want to take data from PLC to Kepserverx via Netlink Compact.
I have this tag list but I don’t know how add tag to kepserverx. How can I write. What is the form of tag?

Thank you

@fevziaklan9474 welcome to the community!

KepServer is usually pretty good with available protocols and also able to browse tags directly. I believe it depends on the channel type you are trying to use. So can you tell us a bit more about the connection you are trying to use?

Your CP474 is an old SG3 target so that might be a bit more tricky.
The Netlink Compact is a Profibus device? (Google told me) if so how does it get data from the CP474? In that case there must be a channel to can be use but I don’t in that case.

If you would be able to use OpcUa it’s very straight forward. After adding a channel (OpcUa client) you add the device aka PLC and the last step is to browse for tags from the server.

My example failed because I didn’t enter the proper login.

Hello @marcel.voigt,

Thanks for answer. First of all I don’t have access the program. But this CPU communication with Lenze Driver. The company didn’t send the program because of some reason. They sent just this excel. The Netlink Compact is a PROFIBUS-Ethernet protocol converter. I connect profibus point to PLC, ethernet point the our network. And I give IP to this converter. And I select TCP/IP communication interface at kepserverx. Can I do these steps at CP474 following ways?