AS6.1 - OPC UA Common Properties not working


I have an problem with OPC UA that he can not compile my .uad file correctly so the screen is always starting with some xxx in the screen see the picture below.

In my logger he is printing a logs that he can not do some things

This problem only occurs if I set an variable in the Common Properties to Recursive. See screenshot below how I do this.

After setting it to recursive I expected that all the elements of the array the ImageStyle_PackerStatus is set to Recursive but what I can see is that this not works. Does anyone have this problem or maybe somebody know an solution?

Hi Tom,

I think I had something similar but in AS4.12.
For the variables you have enabled in Common Properties.
Set them to “Default values”
Then enable them again.

Othervise try to enable ImageStyle_PackerStatus in every ParallelGroup and see if the OPC UA server don´t give a lot of errors.

Hope it is to some help.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your response
We have this problem also in AS4.12 but I was hoping this was fixed in AS6.

The last solution that you explaining to enable the variable in every ParallelGroup that is not an option for us because the size of the ParallelGroup differs between configurations and then we get a lot of errors.

The first solution set it to default and then enable it again doesn’t work.

I hope someone have a solution for this problem.

Hi Tom , have you found solution for this problem and if not did you report it to the support team of your local B&R office?