Hi, is there any known problem with the newest version of AS using vision, I’m having a lot of issues.
the compilation process gets stuck at "Creating vision application packages… "
if by any chance it finish compiling then it gets stuck at the Vision HMI page showing a “initializeSession did not work!” message
or just it doesn’t take the first picture when you open the Vision HMI page
logger shows no error
Haven’t been able to take a single picture
I’m using the latest firmwares and runtimes.
AR M4.93, also tried downgrading
Camera VSC122Q22.041P-000 firmware
PLC X20CP0482 firmware
mappVision, also tried downgrading to 4.27 and 4.26 same errors
Found a way around for the compilation error I have to go to Project > Clean Configuration and check all boxes after that transfer the project and it works, but it still doesn’t work with the X20CP0482 I have to use a X20CP1684. Is the X20CP0482 not compatible? I remember using it before.
Hi @Jose_Veliz ,
it looks that the problem is PLC. X20CP0482 isn’t enough RAM (only 128 MB). If you use X20CP0483, it should work, because this PLC has 256 MB RAM what is minimum for using mapp Vision HMI. When I looked out for X20CP1684, the problem with RAM isn’t here, it has 512 MB, so it looks that RAM would be the main problem here.
Please, check AS Help, where you can find the information about it: B&R Online Help