Collaborate in Many Languages

:globe_with_meridians: Global B&R Community

We are a global community, and therefore we have a diverse user base that speaks different native languages. English is the primary language in our community, but to reduce language barriers, we encourage you to communicate in whichever language you prefer!

:speaking_head: Integrated Translation

To enable you to communicate easily with those who speak a different language, we have an integrated translation feature within our forum. Simply click the globe icon to quickly translate a topic / reply into your preferred language. Note that this integrated translation option is only available after you login.


Set your preferred language in your profile preferences. This should also match the default language set for your browser.

:mag_right: Search in English

Please keep in mind that the search bar in the forum will only understand the English language. Therefore, please use your online translator of choice to translate your search term to English before entering it into the search field.


Unfortunately, the β€œglobe” symbol does not show up for making use of the translation feature. What can I do?

Hi Hubert!

The globe icon will only appear for topics/replies that aren’t already written in your preferred language. For example, you should see it here, where there are some replies in Spanish.

To set your preferred language, click your profile picture in the top right and then select Profile β†’ Preferences. Then switch to the Profile tab and scroll down to set the Language. This should also match the default language set for your browser.