Compile error REAL is an unexpected token. Expecting white space

Why I get this error?

I would guess that a wrong parameter is inserted somewhere at the bottom of your parameter table (this part is not visible in your printscreen). If you are not sure, you can open the file in the editor and go to line 162 and the position mentioned in the output window.

There is nothing wrongly. It is the default file dragging from tools

I setup a test program, it has error when dragging the acp10 axis from toolbox

Anyone could help? How to compile this file?

I think without project, no one can really help you. The default file itself works fine in my project. Please get in contact with local office support.

In case someone has this issue again. My solution is to enable the Use the Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support.

Thanks for the feedback, @wihl. I marked your reply as the solution.