Drawing a dynamic free-shape on the HMI

Hello everybody,

Free-shape objects are moving on the conveyor, and presence sensors are located vertically along it. During the conveyor movement, object presence data are collected and saved in an array after each certain relative movement of conveyor. When the object passes under the sensor group, a two-dimensional array is generated full of 0s and 1s, which identify the object’s shape roughly in binary format.

What is the best way to show/draw the object shape on the HMI dynamically in mapp View by using the above-mentioned two-dimensional array?

PS: The size of the array is around BOOL[1…50,1…1000]

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

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My first thought would be to use the Paper widget which lets you manipulate a custom SVG image using OPC UA data. This would take some development work, but the solution would be tailored to your process.

Theoretically, you could also use a chart widget (such as the Profile Generator), however these graph one axis of data against another. This means that you could create a profile of sorts, but you’d have to do some manipulation of the data first since your data array is 2 dimensional and I assume you’re not graphing the dimensions against each other.


For visualizing the smooth movement, use the paper widget and SVG, if you only need a few positions, place the object on the conveyor in multiple instances and hide/reveal it using the visibility property. For first variant, check mvHighlight project, there are couple of usecase prepared.

Hi Ifran, what is the status of your topic? Thanks for the update.

Hi Jaroslav,
Sorry for late reply. We will use the paper widget for this but with a different approach. We discussed with the customer regarding the expectations and found a common way to fulfill their request. Thanks for your support.

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