Mapp view Cnc

hi everyone I am busy with a 3 axis Cnc project, I would like to integrate the tool path on the mapp view hai application I am building .I have successfully managed to read the xyz positions using opc ua and a python script that can plot the position on a graph, is there a way to directly plot this within mapp view? instead of using an external program??

Hi, you can plot the path with Axis Feature Path preview and you can display the path preview with mapp view widget “paper” . Take a look at the B&R Help 3a20607c-d113-4c03-899e-877b7e4bd857

Here is a link to @c440135 suggestion in the online help.

Automation Help: Axis Feature Path Preview

thanks Tommi for the information ,however there are certain steps which seem unclear , I would like to plot the current path of the xy axis so assume stream function will be seletected but how does this link to the axis coordinates? do you have an example project to try

I don’t have an example project, but i believe your use case is described in the bottom of the page below the “mapp View widget “Paper”” heading / dropdown.

Stream is the correct option to use, and by configuring the “content n” parts you can choose what you want to display. (One option is “actual position”).

Is it possible to help with screen shots i have tried many times to no success. I believe its something to do with the path variable but the page screen displays nothing but a blank border no path movements

Hi [Austin](@Austin_Moodley , what is solution for your topic?
can you make summary for us or marked the answer that helped you the most?

I have managed to make the function work although it is a tedious process as it doesn’t explain a few steps ie a file device must be created and how to do so.
It would be nice if Mapp view had a gcode chart function that could display the gcode directly or show the active tool path