I’m trying to use a X20IF10D1-1 to connect a 1734-AENT with I/O modules but no matter which .eds file I use for the 1734-AENT and the 1734 chassis the device configuration window doesn’t allow me to add the modules.
I’m using AS 4.9 and I’ve try on a 4.12 installation and I got the same problem
This is what I see. Thank you
Hello Jose,
It looks like you have installed a modular EDS file for the 1734-AENT, did you also install the module EDS files for the sub-devices into Automation Studio (DTM)?
With modular EDS files (for DeviceNet/EthernetIP), there is a ‘root’ EDS file for the communication module (B&R ex. bus controller module), then there would be additional EDS files the possible modules behind that communication module (B&R ex. X20DI, X20AO, etc.).
I installed eds files for the controller 1734-AENT, digital outputs 1734-OW4, digital inputs 1734-IB8 and different eds files for the chassis
Can you provide the EDS files you used? Please upload them to this post and I can try to replicate the behavior you are seeing.
eds files.zip (17.2 KB)
Hi, thank you for your help these are the files I’m using
Hello Jose,
As best I can tell, the I/O module EDS files are being interpreted as DeviceNet EDS files, despite being commented as Universal. The 1734-AENT has no valid modules to add and therefore the buttons are grayed out.
I tried manipulating the EDS files a bit but couldn’t find an easy path to get the IO devices to correctly register as modular EthernetIP I/O devices. I think the best next step is to try to get a clean/corrected EDS from the device manufacturer.
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Thank you so much for your help, I did try to modified the files too but didn’t work I guess they are not fully compatible with AS, thanks again.
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