Feedback on the usage of mapp Services components

Hello our dear B&R Community,

Thank you so much for your feedback on our recent survey about using tokens in mappView. I believe that creating new features should be both innovative and meet the real needs of our users. Thanks again!

I promised to share a summary of your thoughts on using tokens. I will definitely do that, but please be patient as I am very busy right now.

I love our B&R community because of the positive atmosphere and how we all help each other. We also listen to each other and are not afraid to share our opinions.

The Product Owner of Mapp Services has asked if you could help with a short survey about using Mapp Services. We want to understand your needs and preferences better. It will help us prioritize development efforts and focus on the features that matter most to you. Don’t worry, the survey is simple and short, so it won’t take much of your time.

In the end, there is again field available where you can share your needs, ideas, and requirements.

Link to MS Form with survey

Thank you in advance for your responses!




This survey is pinned at the top because not all users visit our community every day. If you have already answered the survey or are not interested in it, you can unpin it for yourself. This way, newer topics will appear at the top again. Just so you know :slight_smile:

The survey is still on. Anyone who has experience or opinions about the topic can contribute. Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

Summary from survey as I promised:

Thanks all who found time provide us feedback.

Note from me:

  • This survey is used by the Product Owner for planning the development and for proper prioritization of MappServices.
  • None of these results can be taken as a promise of future development or as evidence that something will become obsolete. The Product Owner and responsible management must take many additional aspects into consideration

1. Please try to rate mapp Services components based on frequency of use

Note from me:

  • The frequent usage of MpAlarmX and MpUserX is clear, but other components, such as MpRecipe, MpAudit, and MpFile, are also widely used. This is strong evidence that these components meet the original goal of Mapp—to simplify developers’ work.
  • There are components, such as Mapp Skyline and Mapp Sequence, that have very specific customer/industrial field oriented use case; however, at least 20-25% of respondents indicated that they use them at least time to time.

2. What features are you missing

  • we got impressive amount of good hints. I asked AI to make summary from it, here is the result without modification.
  • I think it is really good base for product owner.
  1. MpUserX: Create users by application, but no WSTRING user names.
  2. MpAlarmXHistory: Automatic export when buffer is full; slow performance in mapp View.
  3. MpAlarmX: Manipulate alarms after they are thrown; add additional information.
  4. mappIO: Generate dynamic config files for machines with many options.
  5. CPU Redundancy: Support needed.
  6. mappEnergy: Mentioned without specific details.
  7. FileName Input: Allow specifying folders in file names for all FUBs.
  8. mapp Alarm X: Easier editing and adding alarms during runtime.
  9. Widgets in mappView: Corresponding widgets like MpRecipe or PackML.
  10. 21CFR Part 11: Complete integration for main mapp components.
  11. mappIO: Simplify XML file handling and configuration.
  12. UIConnect Struct: Improve suitability for software use and speed.
  13. mapp Maintenance: Plan and track maintenance actions, link to module serial numbers.
  14. Network Parameters: Change IP address and other network settings.
  15. Alarm Grouping: Easier grouping of alarms across different MpAlarmX files.
  16. Wizard in AS: Provide hints and memory usage information.
  17. OEE Metrics: Advanced metrics based on jobs or shifts.
  18. mappDatabase Integration: Remove Python dependency, improve mappView integration.
  19. MappFramework Enhancements: FIFO for MpFile, view recipes before applying, better configuration change FBs.
  20. MpRecipe and MpAudit: Separate systems, better integration with user roles.
  21. System Information: Get and set system information.
  22. Recipe Preview: Preview recipe file parameters in HMI without loading.
  23. AR and GPOS Communication: Simplify communication.
  24. Historical Logging: Improve data logging continuity after power cycles.
  25. mapp Report and mapp Backup: Mentioned without specific details.
  26. mappView Implementation: Better UI blocks and interface.
  27. MpAlarmX and MpRecipe: Display backtrace alarms, support JSON format, more styleable properties.
  28. Token/RFID Management: Modify dialog box size and alarm in mappView.
  29. RFID Support: Direct integration with mapp User X.
  30. mappIO: Improve dynamic IO handling.
  31. HMI Interface: Pre-prepared interfaces for mapp Recipe and mapp File, better default alarm codes.
  32. and others :star_struck: :innocent: