How-to guide - How to configure TG as HID/MSD device

  • Move all licenses from the TG to the server.
  • Plug the TG on a PC with AS
  • Start Codemeter Command Prompt: Start → All programs → CodeMeter → Tools → CodeMeter Command Prompt
  • Enter the following command:

cmu32 /l

  • Record the SN from the TG
  • Enter the following command:

cmu32 /s x-xxxxxxx --set-config-disk HidCommunication


cmu32 /s x-xxxxxxx --set-config-disk MsdCommunication

here you have to change x-xxxxxxx to your serial number (e.g.: 2-1234567).

  • After finishing un- and replug the TG
  • Move the licenses from the server to the TG


The printing on the TG dongle shows if it is an MSD or HID from the factory.

  • 2-* MSD
  • 3-* HID