How to syncronize two continously running drives with cam automat?

Hello, I have two continously running drives (not periodic). drive 1 is running with constant speed, an drive 2 has to perform some runnings after a triggersignal. I’ve configured a cam automat and it is running (with MpAxisCamSequencer). The problem now is: the cam automat seems only to do the compensation runnings. The normal move set up with master and slave factor is not performed. Any idea, what I am missing. Has the cam automat to be told, that these moves are all relative, and when, how to do so?
Thanks for any suggestions.

Hello Christian Albert;

Without more information it’s difficult to diagnose, but to my experience, only having compensation and no synchronous mode (the slave axis does the compensation, and then the sequence ends, with no apparent synchronous part), is more than often due to the fact that master factor and slave factor have not take into account the resolution factor of the axis. And hence the synchronous part happens but only last a fragment of what it should have.

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Can you please tell me more into detail, what you mean with resolution factor. Is master and slave factor not related to measuring units of both axis?

Hello, thank you for your tip. After a second thougt, I noticed, what you meant and that was the solution. Many thanks!


Please check, the axis resolution for the both master axis and slave axis, and also the cam automat. you can post a image of them here if you want.

To answer your question, the master and slave axis are indeed related to it’s axis, but when defining an automat the units used compensation and multplication factor for the axis when in synchronous mode is different (note that mulplication factor are in integers and compensation are in reals), so if both of them are in same units without taking into account the units the synchrounous mode may not correct (unless resolution for axis is 1).

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