I try to make a LineChart work with two samples [array] with different sampling time.
I got an array with Y data associate with an X time sampling data.
I can find an explanation of how LineChartTimeAxis work.
I split my time line in 40 second with 40 samples.
On my grape my sample covert forms 0 to 16 seconds.
The positioning Y is pretty straight forward, but X positioning seems aleatory.
How can I tell exactly the position X of information on a chart?
Is the LineChart being the best way to do so?
Hi Tommy,
The behaviour you have is totally normal. You didn’t say nothing about the array dimension of the variable you have linked to the graph. And I think the problem is here.
The array dimension fills the entire X-axis, what means that the first position of the array will be 0, and the last one 40seconds, in your case.
If you have a LineChartTimeAxis that goes from 0 to 40s (41 samples), but an array of 101 sample [0…100]. This means that the position 40 of your array, in a sample from 0 to 40s are 16 seconds.
For example (rule of three):
Array pos (0-100) | LineChartTimeAxis (0-40)
0 | 0
25 | 10
50 | 20
75 | 30
100 | 40
My suggestion will be to reduce your array dimension to 40. This must solve your problem.
i have 40 array sample for a setting of 40 LineChartTimeAxis sample for a time spend of 40 seconde.
Why i can only use the third of line chart?
Hi Tommy,
If you have an array of 40 positions, then it must work correctly. I attach a video where you can see my behaviour. Each position will be the second itself. For example, position 16, second 16.
Check this GIF to compare the configuration.
If the problem persist, please inform us about the mapp View version you are using.
I think I begin to understand.
Event if you put the numberOfSamples the LineChartTimeAxis, it’s not gonna to use it to set the number of samples on the axis, only the array can determine the set of samples of an axis.
So if you have an array of 100 items and set the numberOfSamples to 40, the axis will be split in 100 segment, events if the rest of the array is empty.
That has some limitation, you cannot use two sample arrays not sample at the same time ( like one to every 1 ms and another one on 10 ms).
You cannot set the split/sample on the x-Axis, the mapp module set it for you with the highest number of item arrays.
I don’t think this mapp will fit form my need.